ambroisal - divinely sweet, fragrant or delicious
amulatory - itinerant
ambulate - to walk
ameliorate - to make better , improve
amenable - agreeable
amenity - pleasent-ness
amiable - friendly
amicable - friendly
amity - friendship
amoral - unethical
amorous - strongly attracted to love
amour - love affair (in illicit nature)
amputate - to remove by cutting,as a limb or some portion of the body
amulet - ornament worn as a charm against evil spirits
anachronism - something chronologically inappropriate
anachronistic - outdated
anathema - ban , curse
anecdote - short, usually funny account of an event
anew - once more
animadversion - the utterance of criticism or censure
animalcule - an animal of microscopic smallness
amulatory - itinerant
ambulate - to walk
ameliorate - to make better , improve
amenable - agreeable
amenity - pleasent-ness
amiable - friendly
amicable - friendly
amity - friendship
amoral - unethical
amorous - strongly attracted to love
amour - love affair (in illicit nature)
amputate - to remove by cutting,as a limb or some portion of the body
amulet - ornament worn as a charm against evil spirits
anachronism - something chronologically inappropriate
anachronistic - outdated
anathema - ban , curse
anecdote - short, usually funny account of an event
anew - once more
animadversion - the utterance of criticism or censure
animalcule - an animal of microscopic smallness