Sunday, 29 July 2012

29 July 2012 - I dont know A 6

ambroisal - divinely sweet, fragrant or delicious
amulatory - itinerant
ambulate - to walk
ameliorate - to make better , improve
amenable - agreeable
amenity - pleasent-ness
amiable - friendly
amicable - friendly
amity - friendship
amoral - unethical
amorous - strongly attracted to love
amour - love affair (in illicit nature)
amputate - to remove by cutting,as a limb or some portion of the body
amulet - ornament worn as a charm against evil spirits
anachronism  - something chronologically inappropriate
anachronistic - outdated
anathema - ban , curse
anecdote - short, usually funny account of an event
anew - once more
animadversion - the utterance of criticism or censure
animalcule - an animal of microscopic smallness

29 July 2012 - I dont know A 5

alacrity - cheerful willingness, eagerness
alcove - a covered recess connected with or at the side of a larger room
alder  - any shrub or small tree of genus alumnus of the oak family
alderman - a member of municipal legislative body who usually exercises also certain judicial functions
alienated - distanced,estranged
aliment - that which nourishes
allay - to lessen or ease or soothe
allegory - symbolic representation
alleviate - to relieve , improve partially
alliteration - repetition of beginning sound of word
allure - to entice by charm
allude - to refer incidently
alluvion - flood
almanac - a series of tables giving the days of the week together with certain astronomical information
altercate - to contend angrily or zealously in words
alto - the lowest or deepest voice or part
amateur - practicing an art or occupation for the love of it, but not as a profession
amatory - designed to excite love

29 July 2012 - I dont know A 4

advert - to refer incidently
aegis - protection
aerie - nook or nest built high in air
affix = to fasten
affront - personal offense
aficionado - a ardent devotee
afire - on fire
afresh - once more after rest
aggravate - to make heavier and burdensome
aggress - to make first attack
aggrieve - to afflict, distress
aghast - struct with terror and amazement
agile = well coordinated,nimble
agnostic - one doubting that people can know god
agrarian - pertaining to agriculture
aide-de-camp - an officer who receives and transmits the orders of the general
airy - delicate, ethereal

29 July 2012 - I dont know A 3

acquiesce - to agree, comply quietly
acquiescence - Passive consent
acreage - quantity or extant of land (mainly agricultural)
actuary - an officer as of an insurance company, who calculated and states the risk and premiums
actuate - to move or incite to action
acquity - sharpness
acumen - sharpness of insight
adage - old saying or proverb
addle - to make inefficient or worthless;muddle
adduce - to bring forward the name for consideration
adjudge - to award or bestow by moformal decision
adjunct - something added attached or joined
adjuration - a vehment appeal
admonish - to caution or reprimand
ado - unnecessary acivity or ceremony
adroit - skillful
adulation - high praise
advaerse - unlucky

29 July 2012 - I dont know A 2

Abut - to be in touch and contact with
Abyss - an extremely great depth
acarpous - not producing fruit ; sterile; barren
acclaim - praise
accompaniment - a subordinate part or part, enrisching the leading part
accomplice - an associate in wrong doing
accordion - a portable free-reed musical instrument
accost - to approach and speak to someone
accouter - to dress
accretion - growth in size or amount
acchillean - invulnerable
acquaint - to make familiar or conversant

29 July 2012 - I dont know A

Some words and there meaning to keep in mind:
abdicate - to give up
abduction - carrying away of a person against his will or illegaly
abed - in a bed
abet - to aid, promote or encourage the commission of (an offense)
abidance - an abiding
abjure - to renounce
abominable - very hateful
aboveboard -  without concealment, fraud
abrade - to wear off the surface via friction
abrogate - to abolish or by authority
abscission - cutting off as in surgery
abscond -to depart secretly blame
abstemious - moderate in appetite
abstain - self denial