Annuity - An annual allowance, payment or income
Annunciation - proclamation
anode - a point where or path by which a voltaic current enters an electrolyte of the like
anodyne - something that calms or soothes pain
anoint - to apply oil to esp. as a sacred rite
antagonism - mutual opposition or resistance or counteracting forces, principles or person
ante - in the game of poker, to put up a stake before the cards are dealt
antecede - to precede
antechamber - a waiting room for those who seek audience
antediluvian - prehistoric, ancient beyond measure
antemeridian - before noon
antemundane - pertaining to time before the world's creation
antepenultimate - third from last
anteroom - a room situated before and opening into another, usually larger
anthology - collection of literary works
anthracite - hard coal ...see more for other
forms of coals
antic - a grotesque, ludicrous or fantastic action
anticyclone - an atmospheric condition of high central pressure, with currents flowing outward
antilogy - inconsistency or contradiction in terms or ideas
antipathize - to show or feel a feeling of antagonism, dislike
antiphon - a response or alteration of response generally musical
antiphony - an anthem or other composition sung responsively
antipodes - a place or region on the opposite side of the earth
antiquary - one who collects and examines old things as coins, books, medals or weapons, etc
antiquate - to make old or out of date
antiquity - ancient times
antispasmodic - tending to prevent non inflammatory spasmodic affections