Word | Definition |
acracy | government by none; anarchy |
adhocracy | government in an unstructured fashion; an unstructured organization |
albocracy | government by white people(alb means white, remember disease albino) |
anarchy | government by none |
androcracy | government by men |
anemocracy | government by the wind or by whim(whim means sudden idea, which cannot be explained. |
angelocracy | government by angels |
antarchy | opposition to government; anarchy |
argentocracy | government by money(argent stands for silver) |
aristarchy | government by the best |
aristocracy | government by the nobility |
arithmocracy | government by simple majority |
autarchy | government by an absolute ruler |
autocracy | government by one individual |
barbarocracy | government by barbarians |
beerocracy | government by brewers or brewing interests |
bestiocracy | rule by beasts |
biarchy | government by two people; diarchy |
binarchy | government by two people; diarchy |
bureaucracy | government by civil servants |
cannonarchy | government by superior firepower or by cannons |
capelocracy | government by shopkeepers |
chiliarchy | government by one thousand people |
chirocracy | government by physical force |
chromatocracy | government by rulers of a particular skin colour |
chrysoaristocracy | government by the wealthy; plutocracy |
chrysocracy | government by the wealthy; plutocracy |
corpocracy | government by corporate bureaucrats |
cosmarchy | rulership over the entire world, esp. by the devil |
cottonocracy | government by those involved in the cotton trade |
cryptarchy | secret rulership |
decadarchy | government by ten individuals; decarchy |
decarchy | government by ten individuals |
demarchy | government by the people; popular government |
democracy | government by the people |
demonarchy | government by a demon |
demonocracy | government by demons or evil forces |
despotocracy | government by despots or tyrants |
diabolocracy | government by the Devil |
diarchy | government by two people |
dinarchy | government by two people; diarchy |
dodecarchy | government by twelve people |
doulocracy | government by slaves |
duarchy | government by two people; diarchy |
dulocracy | government by slaves; doulocracy |
dyarchy | government by two people; diarchy |
ecclesiarchy | government by clerics or ecclesiastical authorities |
endarchy | centralised government |
ergatocracy | government by the workers or the working class |
ethnarchy | government over an ethnic group |
ethnocracy | government by an ethnic group or race |
exarchy | government by bishops |
foolocracy | government by fools |
gerontocracy | government by the aged |
gunarchy | government by women; gynarchy |
gymnasiarchy | government over a school or academy |
gynaecocracy | government by women; gynarchy |
gynarchy | government by women |
gynocracy | government by women; gynarchy |
hagiarchy | government by saints or holy persons |
hagiocracy | government by holy men |
hamarchy | government by a cooperative body of parts |
hecatarchy | government by one hundred people; hecatontarchy |
hecatontarchy | government by one hundred people |
hendecarchy | government by eleven people |
heptarchy | government by seven people |
heroarchy | government by heroes |
hetaerocracy | government by paramours |
heterarchy | government by a foreign ruler |
hierarchy | government by a ranked body; government by priests |
hierocracy | government by priests or religious ministers |
hipparchy | rule or control of horses |
hoplarchy | government by the military |
hyperanarchy | condition of extreme anarchy |
hyperarchy | excessive government |
iatrarchy | government by physicians |
idiocracy | personal rule; self-rule |
infantocracy | government by an infant |
isocracy | equal political power |
jesuitocracy | government by Jesuits |
juntocracy | government by a junta |
kakistocracy | government by the worst |
kleptocracy | government by thieves |
kritarchy | government by judges |
landocracy | government by the propertied class; timocracy |
logocracy | government of words |
matriarchy | government by women or mothers |
meritocracy | government by the meritorious |
merocracy | government by a part of the citizenry |
mesocracy | government by the middle classes |
metrocracy | government by mothers or women; matriarchy |
millionocracy | government by millionaires |
millocracy | government by mill owners |
mobocracy | government by mobs or crowds |
monarchy | government by one individual |
moneyocracy | government by the monied classes |
monocracy | government by one individual |
myriarchy | government by ten thousand individuals |
narcokleptocracy | government by those who profit from trade in illegal drugs |
navarchy | rulership over the seas |
neocracy | government by new or inexperienced rulers |
nomocracy | government based on legal system; rule of law |
ochlocracy | government by mobs |
octarchy | government by eight people |
oligarchy | government by the few |
paedarchy | government by children |
paedocracy | government by children; paedarchy |
panarchy | universal rule or dominion |
pantarchy | government by all the people; world government |
pantisocracy | government by all equally |
paparchy | government by the pope |
papyrocracy | government by newspapers or literature |
parsonarchy | government by parsons |
partocracy | government by a single unopposed political party |
patriarchy | government by men or fathers |
pedantocracy | government by pedants or strict rule-bound scholars |
pentarchy | government by five individuals |
phallocracy | government by men |
philosophocracy | government by philosophers |
phylarchy | government by a specific class or tribe |
physiocracy | government according to natural laws or principles |
pigmentocracy | government by those of one skin colour |
plantocracy | government by plantation owners |
plousiocracy | government by the wealthy; plutocracy |
plutarchy | government by the wealthy; plutocracy |
plutocracy | government by the wealthy |
polarchy | government by many people; polyarchy |
policeocracy | government by police |
pollarchy | government by the multitude or a mob; ochlocracy |
polyarchy | government by many people |
polycracy | government by many rulers; polyarchy |
popocracy | government by populists |
pornocracy | government by harlots |
prophetocracy | government by a prophet |
psephocracy | government resulting from election by ballot |
ptochocracy | government by beggars or paupers; wholesale pauperization |
punditocracy | government by political pundits |
quangocracy | rule of quasi-autonomous non-governmental organizations |
rotocracy | government by those who control rotten boroughs |
septarchy | government by seven rulers; heptarchy |
shopocracy | government by shopkeepers |
slavocracy | government by slave-owners |
snobocracy | government by snobs |
sociocracy | government by society as a whole |
squarsonocracy | government by landholding clergymen |
squatterarchy | government by squatters; squattocracy |
squattocracy | government by squatters |
squirearchy | government by squires |
squirocracy | government by squires; squirearchy |
statocracy | government by the state alone, without ecclesiastical influence |
stratarchy | rulership over an army |
stratocracy | military rule or despotism |
strumpetocracy | government by strumpets |
synarchy | joint sovereignty |
technocracy | government by technical experts |
tetradarchy | government by four people; tetrarchy |
tetrarchy | government by four people |
thalassiarchy | sovereignty of the seas; thalassocracy |
thalassocracy | sovereignty of the seas |
thearchy | rule by a god or gods; body of divine rulers |
theatrocracy | goverment by gathered assemblies of citizens |
theocracy | government by priests or by religious law |
timarchy | government by the propertied class; timocracy |
timocracy | government by the propertied class |
triarchy | government by three people |
tritarchy | government by three people; triarchy |
tritheocracy | government by three gods |
whiggarchy | government by Whigs |
xenocracy | government by a body of foreigners |