Sunday, 25 September 2011

Which of the following is correct? “He is busy at weekends” or “He is busy on weekends”?

Both are acceptable. “At weekends” is commonly used in British English; the Americans, on the other hand, tend to use “on weekends.” Use whichever expression you feel comfortable with.

Examples: I informed my new boss that I do not do any office related work at weekends. *My friends and I are planning to go sailing on the weekend.

Source: ‘Know Your English’ (The Hindu) – October 02, 2006.

“run with the hare and hunt with the hounds”

Very often when two people have an argument, they go to a third person and ask him to be a judge. If the person is timid and is afraid to take a decision, he will end up saying that both parties are in the right. He will support both sides of the argument because he doesn’t want to hurt the feelings of his friends; sometimes, he does this with an ulterior motive in mind. This desire to be on friendly terms with both warring factions by supporting their arguments is what we mean by the expression, “running with the hare and hunting with the hounds.” The individual is trying to be both the rabbit (hare) and the dog (hound). He wants to be the hunted as well the hunter; and this is just not possible. This idiom is considered rather old fashioned.

Examples: Latha is a very clever person. She runs with the hare and hunts with the hounds.

Source: ‘Know Your English’ (The Hindu) – October 02, 2006.

How is the word `emaciated’ pronounced?

The `e’ in the first syllable and the `i’ in the third syllable are pronounced like the `i’ in `sit’, `bit’, and `kit’. The `ma’ sounds like the word `may’; the `c’ that follows is like the `sh’ in `ship’, `shin’, and `show’. The `ated’ at the end rhymes with `hated’, waited’, and `fated’. The stress is on the second syllable `ma’. This is one way of pronouncing the word.

Someone who is `emaciated’ is very weak and thin.
Example: The emaciated child was unable to walk for more than a minute.

Source: ‘Know Your English’ (The Hindu) – September 18, 2006.

Which is correct? `My wife knows well that I can’t sing’ or `My wife knows that I can’t sing well’?

Both sentences are grammatically acceptable, but they don’t have the same meaning.

The first sentence suggests that your wife knows that you cannot sing. There is no doubt in her mind that you are not a singer. The second sentence suggests that your wife knows that you can sing — but not very well. In this case, you are a singer, but not a good one.
* You know well that I don’t play tennis. (You know that I don’t play tennis at all.)
* You know that I don’t play tennis well. (I can play tennis, but I am not very good at it.)

Source: ‘Know Your English’ (The Hindu) – September 18, 2006.

Difference: ‘He cooked a good meal’ and `He cooked up a …..’

The result is the same in both cases — you end up eating a good meal! `Cook up’ suggests that the various dishes were prepared rather quickly, and at short notice. The expression is considered to be informal and has the same meaning as `rustle up’.
* My grandmother managed to cook up a decent meal for the guests who arrived unannounced. * My appointment has been cancelled. Think you’ll be able to rustle up something for lunch?

 Source: ‘Know Your English’ (The Hindu) – September 18, 2006.

MY NOTE: ‘Cooked up’  or ‘cook something up’ or ‘cook up something’ is used in informal context to mean to fabricate something. In other words, to invent something ( often dishonest or illegal) to produce a result you want.
Example:  Mr.X denied the allegations of corruption in the property deal and claimed it’s a cooked up story to malign his image.
Information Courtesy: The Free Dictionary

How is the word `Renaissance’ pronounced?

The `e’ in the first syllable is like the `i’ in `bit’, `sit’, and `hit’; the `ai’ is like the `ay’ in `day’, `bay’, and `say’. The `a’ is pronounced like the `o’ in `lot’, `got’, and `hot’, and the final `ce’ is like the `ce’ in `dance’, `France’, and `chance’. The `ss’ sounds like the `s’ in `sit’, and the main stress is on the second syllable `nai’. This is one way of pronouncing the word.

The period between the 14th and 16th centuries is usually referred to as the `Renaissance’. The word means `rebirth’, and during this period, people in Europe began to take an active interest in art, literature, and science.
Renaissance is now used to talk about a rebirth of interest in some activity. For example, if you say that letter writing is experiencing a renaissance, what you mean is that people are taking an interest in it; letter writing is becoming popular again. Someone who shows a great a deal of interest in the arts and sciences and has a wide range of interests in other things is called a `Renaissance man’. He/she is someone who does a lot of different things very well.

* Ramanan is a writer, director, painter, and musician — a real Renaissance man
Source: ‘Know Your English’ (The Hindu) – September 18, 2006.

`you’re nuts’

When somebody tells you that you are nuts, what they mean is that you are crazy. The expression is mostly used in informal contexts.
Examples:  Naresh wants to invest all his savings in the stock market. The guy is nuts, I tell you. * I wouldn’t go out with that guy if I were you. My friends tell me he’s nuts.

During the middle of the 19th century, the word `nut’ began to be used to refer to an individual’s head. This was because some people thought that there was a similarity between the shape of a nut and the shape of a human head! Another similarity they found was that the nut, like the human head, was hard — and the most important thing in both cases was contained inside and not outside! Whatever be the case, the head began to be referred to as a `nut’. Around this time, the expression `off one’s head’ was frequently used to mean `out of one’s mind; crazy’. As time went by, the word `head’ was replaced by `nut’ in the expression, and very soon the word `nut’ acquired the meaning `crazy’.
Anyone who was crazy was called `nuts’, and the hospital for people who had mental illness began to be called a `nut house’.

Source: ‘Know Your English’ (The Hindu) – September 18, 2006.

Difference between `emigrate’ and `immigrate’

In both cases the person is leaving the country, he was born in, and  he is moving to another country on a permanent basis. He plans to settle down there.

The word `emigrate’ is normally used to refer to the movement from a place. When the person leaves his country of origin, he is emigrating.
For example, when somebody is leaving India and moving to New Zealand, I can say  that he is emigrating from India to New Zealand.

The person who `immigrates’, moves to another country. In this case, you are talking about the movement in terms of the country the person is going to settle in.
Example: During the Second World War, lots of Germans immigrated to the United States.

 Source: ‘Know Your English’ (The Hindu) – September 11, 2006.

hypochondriac’ and ‘Cyberchondriac’

A hypochondriac someone who constantly worries about his health. Although there may be nothing really wrong with him, he always imagines that there is something seriously wrong.  A hypochondriac is obsessed about his health. He has imaginary ailments.  Such people give doctors a tough time.
Examples: “Luckily, we don’t have a hypochondriac in our family.”

A cyberchondriac  is someone who gets all his medical information from the Internet or reads about the various diseases going around and imagines that he has them too.
Example: “I am told that my boss’ wife is a cyberchondriac.”
Source: ‘Know Your English’ (The Hindu) – September 11, 2006.

‘Cut dead’

When someone cuts you dead, he or she just ignores you. The person may see you, but chooses not to acknowledge your presence. In other words, the person will look right through you. He will pretend you don’t exist.

For example: I tried to greet our friend Sujatha this morning, but she cut me dead. * Raja is acting crazy these days. This morning he cut my father dead. * The Manager was about to speak when the CEO cut her dead.

Source: ‘Know Your English’ (The Hindu) – September 11, 2006.

Monday, 12 September 2011


When you call another person a `git’, what you mean is that you dislike him because you find him annoying. The `g’ is like the `g’ in `get’ and `guess’, and the following `it’ is pronounced like the word `it’. `Git’ is used in British English in informal contexts to refer to a man.

Examples: *How could you have fallen in love with a git like him? *Tell the git standing over there to stop whistling.

The word is also used to mean `get’.

Source: ‘Know Your English’ (The Hindu) – September 04, 2006.

Is `pair of’ followed by a singular or plural verb?

You normally use `a pair of’ when you are talking about two things which are of the same size and which are used together – for example, shoes, gloves, etc. When used in this manner, it can be followed by a singular or a plural verb.

*The pair of gloves I liked was not for sale. *The man put on a pair of black shoes that were in the veranda.

But it is preferred to use singular verb rather than plural:
A pair of scissors is in the drawer. (NOT A pair of scissors are in the drawer.)

Source: ‘Know Your English’ (The Hindu) – September 04, 2006.


First, let’s deal with the pronunciation. The `a’ sounds like the `a’ in `act’, cat’, and `hat’; the following `o’ is like the `a’ in `china’. The final `o’ is pronounced like the `oa’ in `coat’, `boat’, and `goat’; the `s’ is silent. The stress is on the final syllable.

The expression `apropos of’ is usually used to introduce a new subject, but one which is connected to what you were talking about earlier.

Example: I received a call from Priyanka last night — apropos of which, did you send her the paintings?

When you say that something is `apropos’, you mean that it is suitable for the situation.
Example: The Vice Chancellor’s remarks were very apropos.

Source: ‘Know Your English’ (The Hindu) – September 04, 2006.

How is the word `faux pas’ pronounced?

The `au’ in the first word is pronounced like the `oa’ in `coat’, `boat’, and `goat’; the following `x’ is silent. The `a’ in `pa’ is like `a’ in `cart’, `part’, and `dart’; the `s’ is silent. The main stress is on `pas’.

Faux pas comes from French, and it literally means `false step’. When you commit a faux pas you commit a social blunder. You violate certain accepted, though unwritten, social rule and in the process you end up doing something that is socially embarrassing. These unwritten rules vary from culture to culture.

For example, in India, it would be considered a faux pas to walk into someone’s kitchen or puja room with one’s shoes on. *The speaker apologised to the audience for his faux pas.

The word `faux’, which means false, is used quite frequently in the world of fashion and interior design. For example, people talk about `faux fur’ and `faux leather’ to mean `false fur’ and `false leather’. When someone says that he’s bought a `fauxlex’, what he means is that he has bought a `fake Rolex’!

Source: ‘Know Your English’ (The Hindu) – September 04, 2006.

`sweep under the carpet’

When you sweep or brush something under the carpet, you attempt to hide something embarrassing from others. Instead of dealing with your problem, you try to keep it a secret. It is also possible to say `sweep something under the mat/rug’.

Examples: The Government has managed to sweep the cola controversy under the carpet. *The actor tried to sweep the embarrassing incident under the rug.
Where does this expression come from? What is it that lazy people normally do when they are asked to clean a carpeted room? They sweep around the carpet, and instead of bending down to collect the dust, they quietly sweep it under the carpet!

Source: ‘Know Your English’ (The Hindu) – September 04, 2006.


Top-drawer means top quality.

Examples: My cousin is on the lookout for a teacher who is top-drawer. * The college that my cousin’s children go to is top-drawer.

Source: ‘Know Your English’ (The Hindu) – August 29, 2006.

‘Touch base with someone’

To touch base with someone means to keep in touch with someone.

Examples:  Do you want me to touch base with you while you are in Thiruvananthapuram? * I think I want to be left in peace. I will touch base with you when I return.

Source: ‘Know Your English’ (The Hindu) – August 29, 2006.

‘couple of’

A `couple’ doesn’t have to mean two days. It could be more. If you say that you’ll be gone a couple of days, what you mean is that you will be gone for a few days. So when you say that a couple of shops were open, it can mean that more than two shops were open.

The word `couple’ is often used to mean two or more. In other words, a few shops were open, but not many.

Source: ‘Know Your English’ (The Hindu) – August 29, 2006.

‘something is not over till the fat lady sings’

It’s an expression mostly used in American English. When you say that something is not over till the fat lady sings, what you mean is that you can’t be sure of the result till the very end. Though you may seem as if you are losing, you might end up winning.

Example: We need to get 150 runs in 10 overs. As they say, it’s not over till the fat lady sings.

Source: ‘Know Your English’ (The Hindu) – August 29, 2006.

Thursday, 8 September 2011

‘To snap out of something’

When you tell someone to snap out of something, what you mean is that you want them to get over it.

Example: When we lost the World Cup, many of my friends were very disappointed. It took them a while to snap out of it.

Source: ‘Know Your English’ (The Hindu) – August 29, 2006.

What is the killing of one’s brother called?

The killing of one’s brother is referred to as `fratricide’. The `a’ is pronounced like the `a’ in `pact’, `fact’, and `tact’; the following `i’ is like the `i’ in `sit’, `bit’, and `hit’. The final `cide’ is pronounced like the word `side’, and the stress is on the first syllable. This is one way of pronouncing the word. `Frater’ in Latin means `brother’ and `cida’ means `killer’. There are many words in English ending with the suffix `cide’. For example, the killing of one’s father is `patricide’. `Matricide’ is the killing of one’s mother, and when a parent kills his/her child, it’s called `filicide’. If you kill another human being it’s `homicide’, and when you kill yourself, it’s `suicide’.

Source: ‘Know Your English’ (The Hindu) – August 21, 2006.

`raise the bar’

The expression comes from the world of athletics. In high jump and pole-vault, when you clear a particular height, the horizontal bar is raised to a new level to see if you can jump even higher. Every time you clear the hurdle, the bar is raised, and you are set a new challenge. When you raise the bar for something, you raise the level; in other words, you set a higher standard.

Examples: The students went on strike because the Principal raised the bar for admission. *The CEO had to lower the bar in order to give his son the job

Source: ‘Know Your English’ (The Hindu) – August 21, 2006.

Why do we say `five star hotel’ and not `five stars hotel’?

This is because `star’ is functioning as an adjective, and not as a noun. You can say that you saw `Five stars shining in the sky.’ But when a noun like hotel follows the word `star’, you say, `I had dinner in a three star hotel’. You do not say, `three stars hotel’. Similarly, you say, `I want five rupees’. But when the word `rupees’ is followed by the noun `coin’ or `note’, you say, `I need a five rupee coin/note’. You do not say, `five rupees note’. Joggers talk about a `twenty-mile marathon’, and not a `twenty miles marathon’.

How is the word `embarrass’ pronounced?

The first syllable is like the `im’ in `him’, `slim’, and `Kim’; the following `a’, which has the main stress, is pronounced like the `a’ in `cat’, `bat’, and `hat’. The final `a’ is like the `a’ in `china’. When you do something that you are ashamed of, you say that you are embarrassed by what you did. The word can also be used to mean nervous or uncomfortable.

Examples: Shantha gave an embarrassed smile when she spilt orange juice on her friend’s new carpet. *The questions that the psychiatrist asked embarrassed Jai’s daughter.

Source: ‘Know Your English’ (The Hindu) – August 21, 2006.

Difference between a `story’ and a `tale’.

Of the two, `story’ is the more general word. A story can be real or fictitious, and it can be written or oral. You can talk about a story that you read in the newspaper, or a story that your grandmother told you as a child. The newspaper story could be true, but the one that your grandmother told you could be made up. A story can be in the form of poetry or prose and it usually, not always, deals with a series of incidents in an individual’s life.

Examples: Listen, give me the facts. I don’t want to hear the story of your life. *After seeing the film, he went around telling the story to everyone.

Unlike a story, a `tale’ is usually fictitious; the word carries with it a sense of exaggeration. Tales, in general, deal with exciting, but imaginary events that took place in ancient times and in far off lands. For example, we talk about the tales of King Arthur and the Round Table.

Source: ‘Know Your English’ (The Hindu) – August 21, 2006.


When you say that you got an earful from someone, you mean that the person spoke to you angrily for a long time.

Examples: The teacher gave the students an earful for not doing their homework.* When I came home late last week, my mother gave me an earful. * If you don’t return the Rs. 50 by tomorrow, you will get an earful from me.

 Source: ‘Know Your English’ (The Hindu) – August 14, 2006.

‘Someone doesn’t suffer fools gladly’

When you say that someone doesn’t suffer fools gladly, what you mean is that the individual doesn’t tolerate stupidity.

Example: The lady who teaches us English is a wonderful teacher. But she doesn’t suffer fools gladly. * My uncle is a fair man, but he doesn’t suffer fools gladly.

Source: ‘Know Your English’ (The Hindu) – August 14, 2006. 

‘Fools rush in where angels fear to tread’

It means inexperienced or ignorant people often do things without really thinking things through. They end up doing things which informed or experienced people would avoid.

Examples: Rajeev was keen on becoming the President of the Club. Now he feels he shouldn’t have contested. Fools rush in where angels fear to tread.

 Source: ‘Know Your English’ (The Hindu) – August 14, 2006. 


When you’re dumbfounded by something, you’re extremely surprised or shocked by it. You’re more or less rendered speechless. For example, the newly appointed teacher stared dumbfounded as the children screamed at one other.

Source: ‘Know Your English’ (The Hindu) – August 14, 2006.

’pound of flesh’

When someone demands his/her pound of flesh, he/she wants something that he/she is entitled to. He/she wants it even though it might create problems for the person it is demanded from.
In other words, he/she ask for what is due to him/her, even though he/she knows it’s going to create problems for the other person.

For example, the family’s distress had absolutely no effect on the greedy moneylender. He was determined to get his pound of flesh.
The expression comes from Shakespeare’s, `The Merchant of Venice’.

Source: ‘Know Your English’ (The Hindu) – August 14, 2006.

Difference between `advisor’ and `adviser’

There is no difference in meaning between the two words. Both are used to refer to someone (usually an expert) whose job it is to advise other people. For example, film stars often consult financial advisers to find out what to do with their money. When they get into trouble, the stars consult a legal adviser. Most dictionaries that we get in India, list `adviser’ as the first choice, and `advisor’ as the second. This is because in British English the word is spelt `a..d..v..i..s..e..r’; `a..d..v..i..s..o..r’ is the way Americans spell the word. While surfing the net, one encounters `advisor’ much more frequently than `adviser’

Source: ‘Know Your English’ (The Hindu) – August 07, 2006

`cross the bridge when you come to it’

This idiom is used to tell someone not to worry about things that may or may not happen in the future. Very often, when we come up with what we think is a good proposal, the prophets of doom in the office give us a detailed account of the things that could possibly go wrong. They take great delight in telling us why the project will fail, and they come up with all kinds of imaginary problems. In such a context, if you tell your detractors that you will cross the bridge when you come to it, what you mean is that you will deal with the various problems as and when they arise. You are not going to worry about them unnecessarily right now.

Examples: What if we run out of funding? We’ll cross the bridge when we come to it. *Mohan seemed unconcerned. He said that he would cross the bridge when he came to it.

Source: ‘Know Your English’ (The Hindu) – August 07, 2006

Which is correct? `A small percentage of the students is worked up about the fee hike’ or `A small percentage of the students are worked up……..’?

People who are fond of grammar would argue that when the word `percentage’ is preceded by the definite article `the’, then the verb is usually singular. It doesn’t really matter if the noun preceding the verb is singular or plural.
*The percentage of students from Delhi is relatively small.
Although the noun (`students’) is plural, the verb that follows (`is’) is singular.
*The percentage of people willing to participate keeps decreasing every year.

When you talk about `a percentage’, on the other hand, it can be followed by a singular or plural verb. It depends on the noun which follows `percentage’.
*A very small percentage of the students are from Delhi.
*I’m told that a small percentage of Padma’s income goes to charity.

Source: ‘Know Your English’ (The Hindu) – August 07, 2006 


Dreams can be pleasant or unpleasant. Nightmares, on the other hand, are always unpleasant. A frightening dream is usually called a nightmare. When you’ve had a nightmare, you wake up gasping for breath. The `mare’ in `nightmare’ has nothing to do with a female horse. The word comes from Old English `mare’ meaning `incubus’. An incubus, people believed, was an evil spirit which sat on a person’s chest while he slept — hence, the feeling of suffocation.

Source: ‘Know Your English’ (The Hindu) – August 07, 2006

‘Still waters run deep’

“You know who can help you with your physics problem? Mukund.”
“Mukund! He hardly opens his mouth. Gives the impression that he doesn’t know anything.”
“Still waters run deep, my friend.”
“What are you talking about?”
“It means that a quiet person may not be what he pretends to be. Just because someone remains quiet, doesn’t mean he has no knowledge of the subject matter. He could be very knowledgeable or very passionate about the subject.”
“The quiet person may be thinking important or deep thoughts. Surabhi has been very quiet of late. You know what they say, still waters run deep.”
 Source: ‘Know Your English’ (The Hindu) – July 31, 2006


It’s an expression used to talk about someone who thinks he knows everything. In other words, a person who tries to impress people with his knowledge and ends up annoying them.
So when you refer to someone as a `know-it-all’, you are not really complimenting the person. You are, in fact, showing your disapproval.

Examples: I don’t wish to speak to that know-it-all. * “Saraswathi, the know-it-all in our family, told us to invest our funds in the stock market.

It’s also possible to say, `know-all’. They both have the same meaning.
Examples: Nobody really likes Chandra because she is such a know-all. * “Our class is full of know-alls.

 Source: ‘Know Your English’ (The Hindu) – July 31, 2006

Tuesday, 6 September 2011

Synonym and antonyms for drunk and drunkard

Drunkard - one who drinks too much and,
drunk means who is intoxicated.

Synonyms: alcoholic, bacchanal, bacchanalian, barfly, bibber, boozer, carouser, debauchee, dipsomaniac, drinker, inebriate, lush, soak, sot, souse, sponge, stiff, tippler, toper, tosspot, wine-bibber, wino
Antonyms: abstainer, ascetic, nephalist, teetotaler

Synonyms: alcoholic, boozer, carouser, dipsomaniac, drinker, guzzler, inebriate, lush*, sot, sponge, wino

Types of governments

To remember this you require to learn some greek roots. The root for government is crat / crac. See here for more on this. Another is arch which is also used.
Now for eg. what is xenocracy ?
xeno means foreign, cracy means rule, so xenocracy means rule by foreigners. Similarly others go. Here is the complete list:

Word Definition
acracy government by none; anarchy
adhocracy government in an unstructured fashion; an unstructured organization
albocracy government by white people(alb means white, remember disease albino)
anarchy government by none
androcracy government by men
anemocracy government by the wind or by whim(whim means sudden idea,
which cannot be explained.
angelocracy government by angels
antarchy opposition to government; anarchy
argentocracy government by money(argent stands for silver)
aristarchy government by the best
aristocracy government by the nobility
arithmocracy government by simple majority
autarchy government by an absolute ruler
autocracy government by one individual
barbarocracy government by barbarians
beerocracy government by brewers or brewing interests
bestiocracy rule by beasts
biarchy government by two people; diarchy
binarchy government by two people; diarchy
bureaucracy government by civil servants
cannonarchy government by superior firepower or by cannons
capelocracy government by shopkeepers
chiliarchy government by one thousand people
chirocracy government by physical force
chromatocracy government by rulers of a particular skin colour
chrysoaristocracy government by the wealthy; plutocracy
chrysocracy government by the wealthy; plutocracy
corpocracy government by corporate bureaucrats
cosmarchy rulership over the entire world, esp. by the devil
cottonocracy government by those involved in the cotton trade
cryptarchy secret rulership
decadarchy government by ten individuals; decarchy
decarchy government by ten individuals
demarchy government by the people; popular government
democracy government by the people
demonarchy government by a demon
demonocracy government by demons or evil forces
despotocracy government by despots or tyrants
diabolocracy government by the Devil
diarchy government by two people
dinarchy government by two people; diarchy
dodecarchy government by twelve people
doulocracy government by slaves
duarchy government by two people; diarchy
dulocracy government by slaves; doulocracy
dyarchy government by two people; diarchy
ecclesiarchy government by clerics or ecclesiastical authorities
endarchy centralised government
ergatocracy government by the workers or the working class
ethnarchy government over an ethnic group
ethnocracy government by an ethnic group or race
exarchy government by bishops
foolocracy government by fools
gerontocracy government by the aged
gunarchy government by women; gynarchy
gymnasiarchy government over a school or academy
gynaecocracy government by women; gynarchy
gynarchy government by women
gynocracy government by women; gynarchy
hagiarchy government by saints or holy persons
hagiocracy government by holy men
hamarchy government by a cooperative body of parts
hecatarchy government by one hundred people; hecatontarchy
hecatontarchy government by one hundred people
hendecarchy government by eleven people
heptarchy government by seven people
heroarchy government by heroes
hetaerocracy government by paramours
heterarchy government by a foreign ruler
hierarchy government by a ranked body; government by priests
hierocracy government by priests or religious ministers
hipparchy rule or control of horses
hoplarchy government by the military
hyperanarchy condition of extreme anarchy
hyperarchy excessive government
iatrarchy government by physicians
idiocracy personal rule; self-rule
infantocracy government by an infant
isocracy equal political power
jesuitocracy government by Jesuits
juntocracy government by a junta
kakistocracy government by the worst
kleptocracy government by thieves
kritarchy government by judges
landocracy government by the propertied class; timocracy
logocracy government of words
matriarchy government by women or mothers
meritocracy government by the meritorious
merocracy government by a part of the citizenry
mesocracy government by the middle classes
metrocracy government by mothers or women; matriarchy
millionocracy government by millionaires
millocracy government by mill owners
mobocracy government by mobs or crowds
monarchy government by one individual
moneyocracy government by the monied classes
monocracy government by one individual
myriarchy government by ten thousand individuals
narcokleptocracy government by those who profit from trade in illegal drugs
navarchy rulership over the seas
neocracy government by new or inexperienced rulers
nomocracy government based on legal system; rule of law
ochlocracy government by mobs
octarchy government by eight people
oligarchy government by the few
paedarchy government by children
paedocracy government by children; paedarchy
panarchy universal rule or dominion
pantarchy government by all the people; world government
pantisocracy government by all equally
paparchy government by the pope
papyrocracy government by newspapers or literature
parsonarchy government by parsons
partocracy government by a single unopposed political party
patriarchy government by men or fathers
pedantocracy government by pedants or strict rule-bound scholars
pentarchy government by five individuals
phallocracy government by men
philosophocracy government by philosophers
phylarchy government by a specific class or tribe
physiocracy government according to natural laws or principles
pigmentocracy government by those of one skin colour
plantocracy government by plantation owners
plousiocracy government by the wealthy; plutocracy
plutarchy government by the wealthy; plutocracy
plutocracy government by the wealthy
polarchy government by many people; polyarchy
policeocracy government by police
pollarchy government by the multitude or a mob; ochlocracy
polyarchy government by many people
polycracy government by many rulers; polyarchy
popocracy government by populists
pornocracy government by harlots
prophetocracy government by a prophet
psephocracy government resulting from election by ballot
ptochocracy government by beggars or paupers; wholesale pauperization
punditocracy government by political pundits
quangocracy rule of quasi-autonomous non-governmental organizations
rotocracy government by those who control rotten boroughs
septarchy government by seven rulers; heptarchy
shopocracy government by shopkeepers
slavocracy government by slave-owners
snobocracy government by snobs
sociocracy government by society as a whole
squarsonocracy government by landholding clergymen
squatterarchy government by squatters; squattocracy
squattocracy government by squatters
squirearchy government by squires
squirocracy government by squires; squirearchy
statocracy government by the state alone, without ecclesiastical influence
stratarchy rulership over an army
stratocracy military rule or despotism
strumpetocracy government by strumpets
synarchy joint sovereignty
technocracy government by technical experts
tetradarchy government by four people; tetrarchy
tetrarchy government by four people
thalassiarchy sovereignty of the seas; thalassocracy
thalassocracy sovereignty of the seas
thearchy rule by a god or gods; body of divine rulers
theatrocracy goverment by gathered assemblies of citizens
theocracy government by priests or by religious law
timarchy government by the propertied class; timocracy
timocracy government by the propertied class
triarchy government by three people
tritarchy government by three people; triarchy
tritheocracy government by three gods
whiggarchy government by Whigs
xenocracy government by a body of foreigners

So learning the first root will help, if you know the suffix root.

Noun : Number

Singular Noun Definition:  When a noun means one only, it is said to be singular.
Examples:  boy, girl, book, church, box
Plural Noun Definition:  When a noun means more than one, it is said to be plural.
Examples:  boys, girls, books, churches, temples
Rule #1
The plural of nouns is usually formed by adding - s to a singular noun.
Exercise:  Write the plural of each of these nouns

Rule #2
Nouns ending in
s, z, x, sh, and ch form the plural by adding - es.
Special Note:
If you add - s to such nouns as fox, bush, and bench, you will find that you cannot pronounce them without making an additional syllable.  This is why such nouns form the plural by adding - es.

Rule #3
Nouns ending in - y preceded by a consonant is formed into a plural by changing - y to - ies.  But this has exception, see rule #4 for that.
Examples:  lady, ladies; city, cities; army, armies

Rule #4
Nouns ending in y preceded by a vowel form their plurals by adding
- s.
Example:  boy, boys; day, days

Rule #5
Most nouns ending in o preceded by a consonant is formed into a plural by adding es.  Example:  hero; heroes; grotto, grottoes

*may add - s or - es

Special Note:
Most nouns ending in o preceded by a vowel is formed into a plural by adding
- s.
Example:  folio, folios; cameo; cameos; studio, studios; portfolio, portfolios

Rule #6
Some nouns ending in f or fe are made plural by changing f or fe to
- ves.
Example:  beef, beeves; wife, wives

The following form their plurals by adding - s.
 chief, chiefs   fife, fifes  mischief, mischiefs  hoof, hoofs
 roof, roofs  grief, griefs  kerchief, kerchiefs  safe, safes


 man, men  foot, feet  mouse, mice
 woman, women  tooth, teeth  louse, lice
 child, children  ox, oxen  goose, geese

The following nouns have no singular:




 trousers  pinchers  bellows  snuffers
 cattle  shears  measles  mumps
 victuals  tweezers  vespers

Some nouns are always singular.  Some of these nouns may be used in the  plural when different kinds are meant as sugars, coffees, cottons
 gold  silver  wheat  corn
 molasses  copper  sugar  cotton

Singular nouns use this and that.
Plural nouns use these and those.

Noun : Gender

In general there is no distinction between masculine, feminine and neuter in English nouns. However, gender is sometimes shown by different forms or different words.

Ways of forming masculine and feminine pairs:
There are three ways of forming the Feminine of Nouns:

(1) By using an entirely different word:
eg. Boy - Girl

(2) By adding a syllable (-ess, -ine, -trix, -a, etc) as,
Baron - Baroness

(3)  By placing a word before or after as:
grandfather - grandmother

(1) By using an entirely different word:

(2) By adding a syllable :
ess is used for many words, eg. governor goes to governess ... and so on, but there are other like trix or adding a. So let's see how it is done:
(a.) -trix, in a few Nouns taken directly from the Latin: as,-
Masculine               Feminine
administrator            administratrix
executor                   executrix
testator                     testatrix

(b) -en, an old feminine suffix of which only one pure English example remains : vix-en (0. E. fixen ; Germ. fuchsin), she-fox; hence, a spiteful woman.
To this head belong also-
Masculine            Feminine
hero                      heroine (Greek)
landgrave              landgravine (German)
margrave               margravine (German)
comedian              comedienne (French)

(c.) -ster, an old English ending, of which only one example is now in use as feminine : spin-ster-(lit.she that spins; viz. with the spinning-wheel); an unmarried woman.   Also song-ster was originally feminine, so that song-str-ess has two feminine endings. In like manner semp-str-ess from the verb seam, has two feminine endings.
Note. But (the termination -ster came to be used as a masculine. This appears in such old words as brewster, huckster, maltster, tapster.
(d.) -a in a few Romance words:-
Masculine                        Feminine
don                                   donna (Italian)
infant                                 infanta(Spanish)
signor                               signora (Italian)
So- sultan                     sultana

‘Coming out of ears’

When you say that someone has something coming out of his ears, what you mean is that the person has lots of it.

Examples: If it is tax forms you want, ask Devidas. He’s got forms coming out of his ears. * If you want pictures of Brett Lee, ask Ananya. She’s got them coming out of her ears. * If it’s an Asterix comic that you want, ask Bala. He’s got them coming out of his ears.

 Source: ‘Know Your English’ (The Hindu) – July 31, 2006

`Okey dokey’

Pronunciation: The `o’ in the two words is pronounced like the `o’ in `go’, `no’, and `so’. The following syllable is pronounced like the word `key’. The stress is on the first syllable of the two words.

 `Okey dokey’ is a very informal way of saying O.K. When someone says, `please give me Rs. 50′, you can respond by saying, `Okey dokey’.

 The expression is not used in formal contexts.

 Source: ‘Know Your English’ (The Hindu) – July 31, 2006


The word `utopia’ comes from the Greek `ou’ and `topos’ meaning `nowhere’; in other words, it is a place that doesn’t exist.

Utopia is an imaginary island created by Sir Thomas More in his book written in 1516. The happy inhabitants of this make-believe island enjoyed near perfect living conditions; they had the perfect social and political systems. Nowadays, when you say that a person is `utopian’, what you mean is that he always aims for something that is impossible to achieve. When you dismiss someone’s plan as being `utopian’, you are ridiculing it because you believe that it is unrealistic. Utopian has acquired a negative meaning.
Examples:  Padma, like her father, was pursuing a utopian dream of world peace. *The singer was truly utopian. He believed that countries could exist without borders.
Samuel Butler wrote a novel in 1872 called `Erehwon’ in which he made fun of utopian concepts. `Erehwon’ is actually `nowhere’ spelt backwards!

Source: ‘Know Your English’ ( The Hindu) – July 24, 2006

Monday, 5 September 2011

Proved vs Proven

“Proved" or "proven" is another one of those sets of words journalists, writers and speakers mix up constantly. While the use or should I say the misuse of these two words will not greatly affect the lives of most people, it's the responsibility of aspiring writers and professional writers, however, to know the difference.

Understand that both "proved and proven" are noted by some dictionaries as past participles of "prove."
Professional writers take a more particular view of the use of these words. But you can use whichever word sounds and works the best for you, Just be sure to use "proven" for the adjectives.

Example: "She used a proven method."

Know that "proved" is the current choice for the past participle of the verb "prove."
An example: The child has proved his strengths in numbers.

You may notice that journalist use "proven" as an adjective in journalism always.
"Proven" is not used as a past participle in journalism.

Apply the rules for predicate adjective in a linking verb construction as well by using "proven." Use "proven" as an adjective that modifies another word as in the following example: The child's ability to add has been proven. "Proven" modifies "ability;" it is not a part of the verb.

Be a careful writer when using "proved" and/or "proven" if you are a journalist where rules reign. But for most of us, we can use either word as a past participle if it applies. But remember to use "proven" as the adjective in all cases, just to be on the safe side.

13 rules to using Apostrophes

Rule 1. Use the apostrophe with contractions. The apostrophe is always placed at the spot where the letter(s) has been removed.
Examples: don't, isn't
You're right.
She's a great teacher.

Rule 2. Use the apostrophe to show possession. Place the apostrophe before the s to show singular possession.
Examples: one boy's hat
one woman's hat
one actress's hat
one child's hat
Ms. Chang's house
NOTE: Although names ending in s or an s sound are not required to have the second s added in possessive form, it is preferred.
Mr. Jones's golf clubs
Texas's weather
Ms. Straus's daughter
Jose Sanchez's artwork
Dr. Hastings's appointment (name is Hastings)
Mrs. Lees's books (name is Lees)

Rule 3. Use the apostrophe where the noun that should follow is implied.
Example: This was his father's, not his, jacket.

Rule 4. To show plural possession, make the noun plural first. Then immediately use the apostrophe.
Examples: two boys' hats
two women's hats
two actresses' hats
two children's hats
the Changs' house
the Joneses' golf clubs
the Strauses' daughter
the Sanchezes' artwork
the Hastingses' appointment
the Leeses' books

Rule 5. Do not use an apostrophe for the plural of a name.
Examples: We visited the Sanchezes in Los Angeles.
The Changs have two cats and a dog.

Rule 6. With a singular compound noun, show possession with 's at the end of the word.
Example: my mother-in-law's hat

Rule 7. If the compound noun is plural, form the plural first and then
use the apostrophe.
Example: my two brothers-in-law's hats

Rule 8. Use the apostrophe and s after the second name only if two people possess the same item.
Cesar and Maribel's home is constructed of redwood.

Cesar's and Maribel's job contracts will be renewed next year. (Indicates separate ownership.)
Cesar and Maribel's job contracts will be renewed next year. (Indicates joint ownership of more than one contract.)

Rule 9. Never use an apostrophe with possessive pronouns: his, hers, its, theirs, ours, yours, whose. They already show possession so they do not require an apostrophe.

Examples:This book is hers, not yours.
Incorrect: Sincerely your's.

Rule 10. The only time an apostrophe is used for it's is when it is a contraction for it is or it has.
Examples: It's a nice day.
It's your right to refuse the invitation.
It's been great getting to know you.

Rule 11. The plurals for capital letters and numbers used as nouns are not formed with apostrophes.

Examples:She consulted with three M.D.s.
She went to three M.D.s' offices.
The apostrophe is needed here to show plural possessive.
She learned her ABCs.
the 1990s not the 1990's
the '90s or the mid-'70s not the '90's or the mid-'70's

She learned her times tables for 6s and 7s.
Exception: Use apostrophes with capital letters and numbers when the meaning would be unclear otherwise.
Examples: Please dot your i's.
You don't mean is.
Ted couldn't distinguish between her 6's and 0's.
You don't mean Os.

Rule 12. Use the possessive case in front of a gerund (-ing word).
Examples: Alex's skating was a joy to behold.
This does not stop Joan's inspecting of our facilities
next Thursday.

Rule 13. If the gerund has a pronoun in front of it, use the possessive form
of that pronoun.
Examples: I appreciate your inviting me to dinner.
I appreciated his working with me to resolve the conflict.

pore and pour

Pore: intransitive verb; : to gaze intently, to read or study attentively —usually used with over,
to reflect or meditate steadily.

She will pore over the book to get ready for the test.

Pour: transitive verb; to cause to flow in a stream, to dispense from a container
to supply or produce freely or copiously
to give full expression to : vent

intransitive verb; to move with a continuous flow , to rain hard, to move or come continuously, stream
to score easily or freely (as in basketball) —used with in

The waiter will pour drinks for the guest while we serve the food.

Did the rain pour down hard in your area?

Beside and Besides

Take a close look at these words and notice that one has a "s" on the end which changes the meaning.

Beside: preposition, near, next to, at the side of

I will stand beside you through good times or bad.
She stood beside the fence gate.

Besides: in addition to, apart from, except
It was the most popular book ever written, besides the Bible.
Everyone besides Anna wanted to go swimming.

Can the word `doctor’ be used as a verb?

Yes, it can. When someone `doctors’ something, he makes some changes in it in order to deceive people. For example, companies, in order to show a huge profit, sometimes change the figures in their accounts. They do this in the hope that their share prices will go up. This practice of changing figures dishonestly is called doctoring.

*These reports suggest that it was the Professor who doctored the figures. *According to the film star, her ex-husband doctored the photographs.
When someone doctors your drink or food, they spice it up with a little bit of poison!
*The police suspect that it was the partner who doctored the drink. *The dog’s food had been doctored.

Source: ‘Know Your English’ ( The Hindu) – July 24, 2006

Sunday, 4 September 2011

Crime and punishment related vocabulary

Crime - Crimes

Crime - Criminals

Crime - Justice System

community service
court case
death penalty
gaol, jail
capital punishment
corporal punishment
remand home
Crime - Verbs

break in
break out
break the law
commit a crime
get away
get away with
hold up
Crime - Other Related Words

car alarm
store detective
private detective

Saturday, 3 September 2011

Some idioms to improve english sentences

act like an ape
MEANING: behave badly, wildly, foolishly
He has been acting like an ape ever since his girlfriend left him. 

bark up the wrong tree
MEANING: choose the wrong course of action
He is barking up the wrong tree. He accuses me of causing the computer problem but I was away at the time. 

Her bark is worse than her bite
MEANING: someone’s words are worse than their action
You shouldn’t worry about her. Her bark is worse than her bite and she is really a very nice person.

bet on the wrong horse
MEANING: misread the future
He is betting on the wrong horse if he keeps supporting the other city in their bid for the games. 

bull in a china shop
MEANING: a person with no tact who upsets others or upsets plans
He is like a bull in a china shop so you should be careful if you invite him to your house for the weekend. 

cash cow
MEANING: a good way to make money
The new business is a great cash cow. We are making a lot of money now.
cat get one’s tongue

MEANING: can’t speak because of shyness
The cat must have got her tongue. She did not saying anything at all.
cat nap

MEANING: a short sleep taken during the day
I had a cat nap during the afternoon so I would feel refreshed in the evening.

change horses in midstream
MEANING: make new plans or choose a new leader in the middle of an important activity
They have decided to change lawyers but I told them that they shouldn’t change horses in midstream. 

MEANING: someone who copies another person’s work etc.
He is a copycat according to the other students in the class. 

cry wolf
MEANING: give a false alarm; warn of a danger that is not there.
He is crying wolf. There is no real danger or worry about the electrical system causing a fire. 

curiosity killed the cat
MEANING: being too nosy may lead a person into trouble
You shouldn’t worry about what he is doing. Remember curiosity killed the cat. 

dark horse
MEANING: a candidate little known to the general public
He was a dark horse in the race to be President until he gave some good speeches on TV. 

MEANING: ready or willing to fight and hurt others to get what one wants
It is a dog-eat-dog world outside the father said to his young son. 

donkey’s years
MEANING: a very long time
I talked to my friend for a long time because I hadn’t seen her in donkey’s years.

dumb bunny
MEANING: stupid or gullible person
He really is a dumb bunny. I can’t believe that he can do such stupid things. 

eager beaver
MEANING: a person who is always eager to work or do something extra
She is a real eager beaver and I am sure she will do very well in this company.

eat like a horse

MEANING: eat a lot
Her brother who is 18 years old eats like a horse. 

every dog has his day
MEANING: everyone will have his chance or turn; everyone will get what he deserves
Don’t worry about him. Every dog has his day and he will eventually suffer for all the bad things that he is doing. 

MEANING: someone who is easily frightened (used by children)
The little boy called his friend a fraidy-cat because he wouldn’t climb the tree.

get on one’s high horse
MEANING: behave with arrogance
She is always getting on her high horse and telling people what to do.

get off one’s high horse

MEANING: begin to be humble and agreeable
I wish that she would get off her high horse and begin to think about how other people feel about things. 

go ape
MEANING: become highly excited or angry
He will go ape if he sees that you have not finished the work that was due today. 

go whole hog
MEANING: do something completely or thoroughly
They went whole hog in their effort to make sure that the convention was a success. 

hit the bulls-eye
MEANING: reach the main point
I think that he really hit the bulls-eye when he talked about the problems with the regular staff. 

hold one’s horses
MEANING: wait, be patient
Hold your horses for a moment while I make a phone call. 

holy cow
MEANING: used to express strong feelings like astonishment, pleasure or anger
Holy cow he said as he saw the car that had hit the street lamp. 

horse around
MEANING: rough or noisy play
The teacher told the children to stop horsing around and get ready for class. 

horse of a different colour
MEANING: something totally separate and different
Moving to a new location is a horse of a different colour. It was never mentioned in any of our meetings. 

horse trade
MEANING: hard and skilful bargaining
We had to do a little horse trading but finally we reached a deal to buy the new house.

in the doghouse
MEANING: in disgrace or disfavour
He is in the doghouse with his wife because he went out drinking three times last week.

kangaroo court
MEANING: a self-appointed group that decides what to do to someone who is supposed to have done wrong.
It was decided in a kangaroo court that he would have to pay for the damage that he had caused to the school building. 

lead a dog’s life

MEANING: work hard and be treated unkindly
He is leading a dog’s life since he married the woman who everyone told him not to. 

let sleeping dogs lie

MEANING: don’t make trouble if you don’t have to
You should let sleeping dogs lie and not ask him any questions about the argument.

let the cat out of the bag

MEANING: tell something that is supposed to be a secret
She let the cat out of the bag when she began talking about the plans for the new department. 

live high on the hog

MEANING: have the best of everything
He has been living high on the hog since he changed jobs and moved to Texas. 

lock the barn door after the horse is gone
MEANING: be careful or try to make something certain after it is too late
Now he wants to try and fix his house but it is like locking the barn door after the horse is gone. There was already a flood and the damage is done. 

look like the cat that swallowed the canary

MEANING: look very self-satisfied, look as if one just had a great success
You look like the cat that swallowed the canary. What happened? 

make a mountain out of a molehill

MEANING: make something that is unimportant seem important
You are making a mountain out of a molehill with your going on and on about his mistake. 

monkey business

MEANING: unethical or bad activity, mischief
He should stop that monkey business and try to do the job the correct way.

MEANING: sitting or being carried on someone’s back and shoulders
The boy was riding piggyback on his father’s shoulders.

piggy bank
MEANING: a small bank (sometimes in the shape of a pig) for saving money
He has been putting money into his piggy bank to save for a bicycle. 

play cat and mouse with someone

MEANING: tease or fool someone
He is playing a cat and mouse game with his company about his plans to quit or not. 

put the cart before the horse

MEANING: do things in the wrong order
I think that buying a ticket before we make any plans is putting the cart before the horse. 

rain cats and dogs

MEANING: rain very hard
It has been raining cats and dogs all day. 

rat out on

MEANING: desert or betray someone
He ratted out on his friends and now they won’t talk to him. 

rat race
MEANING: rushing around, confusing way of living that does not seem to have a purpose
He is tired of living in the rat race every day and plans to quit his job soon and do something else.

road hog

MEANING: car driver who takes more than his share of the road
The person in front of me on the highway was a road hog but I tried not to get angry. 

sacred cow
MEANING: a person or thing that is never criticized or changed even if it should be
The school lunch program is a sacred cow which they will never change. 


MEANING: someone who is easily frightened (used by children)
The children were calling their friend a scaredy-cat because she wouldn’t go into the empty house. 

smell a rat

MEANING: be suspicious, feel that something is wrong
I smell a rat. There is something wrong with his relationship to the bankers. 

straight from the horse’s mouth

MEANING: directly from the person or place where something began
I heard straight from the horse’s mouth that she will be leaving the company next week.

straw that breaks the camel’s back

MEANING: a small trouble which follows other troubles and makes one become angry or do something
Her accusing me of not working hard enough was the straw that broke the camel’s back so I finally asked for a transfer to another section of the company. 

tail between one’s legs

MEANING: feel beaten, ashamed (after a scolding etc.)
He left the meeting with his tail between his legs after he was criticized by the president.

take the bull by the horns

MEANING: take decisive action and not worry about the results
My aunt decided to take the bull by the horns and begin preparations for the family reunion.

talk until the cows come home

MEANING: talk for a long time
We can talk until the cows come home this weekend at the lake.

throw someone to the wolves

MEANING: send someone into danger without protection
He decided to throw his co-worker to the wolves when he asked him to go and see the other company.

turn tail

MEANING: run away from trouble or danger
We decided to turn tail and leave the pub before there was a fight.

wildcat strike

MEANING: a strike spontaneously arranged by a group of workers
There was a wildcat strike at the factory and over 100 people walked off the job.

wolf in sheep’s clothing

MEANING: a person who pretends to be good but really is bad
Be careful of that man. He is a wolf in sheep’s clothing.

Acronym, Homonym, Antonym, Synonyms

Antonyms, synonyms, homonyms and acronyms are common grammatical terms. These activities will help students to remember the meanings of these similar sounding words.


From Greek anti- (against, opposing) and onoma (name).
Antonyms are word pairs with opposite meanings. eg. hot / cold


From Greek syn- (together, same) and onoma (name)
Synonyms are words that have the same or nearly the same meaning.
eg. generous - altruistic, benevolent, gracious


From Greek homos (same) and onoma (name).
Homophones are groups of words that are pronounced the same way but which differ in meaning or spelling or both. For example: bare/bear, where bare means naked and bear means to show patience or an animal.


From Greek akros (tip, end) and onoma (name)
An acronym is a pronounceable name made from the initial letters of a group of words. Acronyms are often used as abbreviations and are generally written in capitals.
UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organisation
NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration
NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organisation

Company names based on some vocab

Accenture – from "Accent on the future".
Acer - sharp, acute, able and facile”
Adobe Systems – from the Adobe Creek that ran behind the house of co-founder John Warnock. But Adobe means a sun dried brick.
Antrix Corporation Limited — The business and marketing arm of Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO). The name "Antrix" is an anglicized version of Antariksh, from the Sanskrit word for "space" or "sky".
Daewoo – company founder Kim Woo Chong called it Daewoo which means "Great House" or "Great Universe" in Korean.
Lenovo -Le-" (from former name Legend) and "novo", pseudo-Latin for "new".
Nestle - in German for "bird's nest".
Oracle - Though named on project named Oracle, I am just listing the meaning - most Holy place  in the temple

Volkswagen – from the German for people's 
Volvo – from the Latin word volvo, which means "I roll

Bitterness of taste - synonyms and antonyms

absinthal, absinthian, acerb, acerbic, acid, acrid, amaroidal, astringent,
harsh, sour, tart, unsweetened, vinegary

bland, mild, pleasant, sweet

Thursday, 1 September 2011

Renounce - synonyms and antonyms

simpler words
decline, discard, give up,disclaim, disown,

adding to vocab
abdicate, abjure, abnegate, abstain from, apostacize, arrogate

defect, demit, deny, desert, disavow, divorce oneself from, drop out

eschew, forgo, forsake, forswear, leave flat

opt out, quit, rat, recant, relinquish, repudiate, resign, sell out, spurn,

take the pledge, tergiversate, tergiverse, , throw over, toss over, turn, waive, walk out on, wash hands of

using with words "off"
cast off, leave off, swear off, throw off

informal - dump

allow, approve, condone