Thursday, 14 April 2011

Some latin words used in english 4 (bigger list) - F to O

Facta Non Verba
Deeds not words
Fide Suorum Regnat
"He reigns by the faith of his people" Inscription on the 1939 Canadian silver dollar, minted to commemorate the 1939 Royal tour.
Fidei Defensor
Defender of the Faith. This is usually abreviated F.D. or Fid. Def. and appears on the obverse of British coins. (see Dei Gratia)
Flagrante Delicto
Literally while the crime is blazing. Caught red-handed, in the very act of a crime.
Floreat Regina
Regina, may it flourish. The motto of the City of Regina, Saskatchewan Canada.
Gloria In Exelsis Deo
Literally, Glory to God in the highest. Highest in this phrase means heaven, i.e. Glory to God in Heaven
Habeas Corpus
Literally that you have a body. A writ requiring that a detained individual be brought before a court to decide the legality of that individual's detention.
Habemus Papam
We have a father. The cheer raised by the waiting crowds when a pope is elected.
Homo nudus cum nuda iacebat
Naked they lay together, man and woman. Quoted inThe Name of the Rose, First day, Sext.
In the same place (in a book). Abbreviation for ibidem.
See ibid.
Id Est
That is to say. Usually abbreviated i.e.
Jesus. There is no 'J' in classic Latin.
Iesus Hominum Salvator
Usually abbreviated IHS this means Jesus is the saviour of all people.
Iesus Nazerenus Rex Iudaeorum
Usually abbreviated INRI. The title card placed on Christ's cross by Pontius Pilate (John 19:19), it means Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews.
In Absentia
In their absence
In Actu
In practice
In Camera
In secret or private session; not in public
In Capite
In chief
In Extenso
At full length
In Extremis
In the last agonies
In Forma Pauperis
In the form of a poor person; in a humble or abject manner
In Infinitum
To infinity; without end
In Limine
On the threshold, at the very outset
In Loco
In the place of
In Loco Parentis
In the place of a parent
In Medias Res
Into the midst of affairs
In Memoriam
To the memory of
In Nubibus
In the clouds; not yet settled
In Partibus Infidelium
In parts inhabited by unbelievers
In Perpetuum
To all time
In Pontificalibus
In the proper vestments of a pope or cardinal
In Propria Persona
In his or her own person
In Situ
In its original place; in position
In Statu Quo
In the same state
In Terrorem
As a warning; in order to terrify others
In Toto
As a whole, absolutely, Completely
In Transitu
In passing, on the way
In Utero
In the uterus
In Vacuo
In a vacuum or empty space
In Vino Veritas
Truth comes out under the influence of alcohol.
In Vitro
In a test tube (literally glass)
In Vivo
Within the living organism
Indiae Imperator
Emperor of India. Usually abbreviated Ind. Imp. Appeared on the obverse of British and British Empirecoins before 1948.
Integer Vitae Scelerisque Purus
Blameless of life and free from crime
Inter Alia
Amongst other things
Inter Alios
Amongst other persons
Inter Caesa et Porrecta
There's many a slip twixt cup and lip
Inter Nos
Between ourselves
Inter Partes
Made between two parties
Inter Se
Between or among themselves
Inter Vivos
Between living persons
Ipse Dixit
Unproven assertion resting on the speaker's authority (literally He himself said)
Lapsus Linguae
A slip of the tongue
Lingua Franca
A common language
Lupus in Fabula
Speak of the devil
Lux Mea Christus
Christ is my light
Manus in Mano
Hand in hand
Manus Manum Lavat
Literally Hand washes Hand. Taken to mean One hand washes the other or scratch my back and I'll scratch yours.
Margaritas ante Porcos
Pearls before swine
Mea Culpa
Through my own fault
Mea Maxima Culpa
Through my very great fault
Melitae Amor
Love of Malta
Membrum Virile
The virile member; penis.
Memento Mori
A reminder of death, such as a skull (literally remember that you have to die)
Memento Vivere
A reminder of life (literally remember that you have to live)
Missa Solemnis
Literally, Solemn Mass. The High Mass.
Mitto tibi navem prora puppique carentem
I send you a ship without a bow or a stern. This is a rebus puzzle by Cicero. A ship, navem, without it’s first and last letter spells ave, which means greetings in Latin.
Mollia Tempora Fandi
Times favourable for speaking
Mutatis Mutandis
With the necessary changes
Nihil Sub Sole Novum
Nothing new under the sun
Nolite te Bastardes Carborundorum
Don't let the bastards grind you down. Not true Latin, as the word Carborundorum is not true Latin, like copacetic.
Non Compos Mentis
Not of sound mind.
Non Sequitur
An inference or conclusion which doesn't follow from its premises (literally It Does Not Follow)
Non Timetis Messor
Don't Fear the Reaper
Nosce te ipsum
Know thyself
Novus Ordo Seclorum
A new order for the ages (appears on the U.S. one-dollar bill)
Nunc Dimittis
Literally Now you send forth. Abbreviation of Luke 2:29.
Omnia Mihi Lingua Graeca Sunt
It's all Greek to me.
Optimus Parentibus
To my excellent parents. A common dedication in a book.

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