Thursday, 14 April 2011

Some latin words used in english

Latinmeaningexample or comment
ad hocformed or done for a particular purpose onlyAn ad hoc committee was set up to oversee the matter.
ad nauseamrepeating or continuing to the point of boredomThe apparent risks of secondary smoking have been debated ad nauseam.
bona fidegenuine; realOnly bona fide members of the club may use the clubhouse.
caveat emptorlet the buyer bewareThe principle that the buyer is responsible for checking the quality and suitability of goods before a purchase is made.
circa; c.around; approximatelyThe house was built circa 1870.
coitus interruptusinterrupted congress; aborting sexual intercourse prior to ejaculationCoitus interruptus is the only form of birth control that some religions allow.
compos mentisin control of the mind (often used ironically)Please call me back later when I'm compos mentis.
de factoin fact; in realityAlthough the Emperor was the head of state, the de facto ruler of Japan was the Shogun.
ergothereforecogito ergo sum
erratumerror; mistakeLists of errors from a previous publication are often marked "errata" (the plural, meaning errors).
et cetera; etcand the rest; and so on; and moreWe urgently need to buy medical equipment, drugs et cetera.
ex gratiafrom kindness or grace (without recognizing any liability or legal obligation)They received an undisclosed ex gratia payment.
ex librisfrom the books; fromthe libraryIn the front of a book: Ex Libris John Brown
habeas corpusa court order instructing that a person under arrest be brought before a judgeThe right of habeas corpus has long been regarded as an important safeguard of individual liberty.
in loco parentisin the place of a parentTeachers sometimes have to act in loco parentis.
in situin its original placeThe paintings have been taken to the museum but the statues have been left in situ.
in vitro(in biology) taking place outside a living organism (for example in a test tube)in vitro fertilization
inter aliaamong other thingsThe report covers, inter alia, computers, telecommunications and air travel.
perfor eachThis petrol station charges $5.00 per gallon.
per annum; p.a.for each yearThe population is increasing by about 2% per annum.
per capitafor each personThe country's annual income is $5000 per capita.
per sein itself/themselves; intrinsicallyThese facts per se are not important.
post-mortemexamination of a body after death; autopsyThe post-mortem revealed that she had been murdered.
pro rataproportional; proportionallyThe car rental charge is $50 per day and then pro rata for part of a day.
quid pro quofavour or advantage given or expected in return for somethingSimilar to "tit for tat", "give and take" and "You scratch my back and I'll scratch yours."
reabout; concerning; regardingRe: Unpaid Invoice

I spoke to the manager re your salary increase.
sine qua nonessential condition; thing that is absolutely necessary; "without which not"Words are a sine qua non of spoken language.
status quoexisting state of affairsMonarchies naturally wish to maintain the status quo.
terra firmadry land; the ground as opposed to the air or seaShackleton and his men set foot on terra firma after three weeks at sea.
verbatimin exactly the same wordsI had to memorize the text verbatim.
versus; vs.; v.againstWhat are the benefits of organic versus inorganic foods?

In the case of Bush versus Gore, the judges decided...
vice versathe other way roundMy telephone serves me, and not vice versa.
persona non grataunacceptable or unwelcome personFrom now on, you may consider yourself persona non grata in this house.

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